Thursday, April 30, 2009

body lotion - 4 Effective advices To Enhance Your Breasts Naturally

Many women desire to improve the breast size naturally but are unsure what will work for them. The purpose of this article is to try and help you with this.

1. Saw Palmetto - Saw Palmetto is an effective natural herb for natural breast enhancement or breast lift. This herb works to ensure that the natural hormone levels in the body are balanced. This means that a female can achieve maximum growth in the breasts without having to pay for and endure dangerous cosmetic procedures.

2. Red Clover - This particular natural herbal remedy has been used throughout history for many different purposes. However, in recent years, medical professionals have established that it contains agents that can greatly compliment breast growth. These agents include that of phytoestrogens and genistein. If you are looking for a supplement for breast growth, red clover is a winner!

3. Exercise.There are many different types of exercises that can be used to naturally enhance the size of the breasts. Many do not realize that a simple exercise routine can mean the difference between small breasts and fuller breasts.These types of exercises are also very beneficial when it comes to strengthening and firming the muscles and tissues that are associated with the breasts and chest area in general.

4. Diet for Breast Enhancement. If you want the look and feel of larger, fuller breasts that are full of health and vigor, you may want to consider your diet. Breast enhancement can be achieved by the diet that you select. It is important that you consume foods that are rich in amino acids, vitamins, and other important nutrients.

body lotion - How to Lift Bust Without Surgery

When it comes to breast lifts, you can either go under the knife in the form of a breast augmentation, or you can choose a non invasive breast augmentation. This non invasive breast augmentation or a non surgical breast lift as it is some times called.

These breast pumps can be both electric as well as manual form, but they all do the same thing which is to help stimulate breast growth. What it does is to pull on the epidermis creating a slight gap which in turn the body tries to fill up this gap in a manner which increases the breast size.

Another form of non surgical breast lift is that which is slightly invasive by the means of using thread and barbed hooks to but the pressure in the skin of the breasts which in turn has the same outcome as a breast pump.Besides using these types of breast lifts, one may even opt for a natural enhancement. From various herbal remedies which focus on new tissue growth by the means of natural supplements to that of the hormone replacement therapy.

No matter which alternative you choose, the outcome is the same. Some people can actually use a non surgical breast lift with great outcomes however some may not be able to see any growth at all. it is worth it in some cases to try those that are risk free first then those which have certain risks.

Friday, April 24, 2009

body lotion - Best way to Breast Cancer Detection, and Treatments

Breast cancer is the number one disease that women. In the United States breast cancer fear the most, and for compelling reasons. It is the leading cause of death among women between 40 and 55 years of age and is the second overall cause of death among women.Breast cancer is a rapid, uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both breasts. It is life-threatening because it quickly spreads to vital organs.

If breast cancer is detected in its early stages, the 5 year survival rate is greater than 95%.

Breast cancer is more easily treated and often curable if it is found early. Monthly breast self-examinations should begin at age 20. Recommended screening methods include breast self-examination and mammography. A mammogram is the most effective way to find breast cancer early, up to 2 years before the lump is even large enough to feel. Sometimes a doctor will discover a lump in a woman's breast during a routine examination or a patient might come to the doctor with questions about a lump she found. If clinical examination and mammography both reveal benign findings, biopsy may be unnecessary.

Treatment for breast cancer stages usually depends on the type of cancer and whether the cancer has spread outside of the breast to the rest of the body. Treatment options include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and endocrine/anti-hormone therapy. Treatment usually starts with anticancer drugs, or chemotherapy. The prognosis (chance of recovery) and breast cancer treatment options depend on the stage of the cancer, the size of the tumor and whether it is in the breast only or has spread to lymph nodes or other places in the body. It's very important to diagnose inflammatory breast cancer quickly so that treatment can begin. After surgery, radiation treatment is used to try to kill any remaining cancer cells.So just catch up your life insurance for your prevent way of breast cancer and knowing the myth of insurance.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

body lotion - 5 Myths of Long Term Care Insurance

There are 5 Myths of Long Term Care Insurance and still being our discussed. These myths are still our attentions for corporate who provide affordable health insurance, cheap health insurance, and health insurance for individuals. Here are several myths of Long Term Care Insurance you should know.

  1. I'm Too Young to Consider Buying LTC Insurance
  2. I'll save the annual premium and put it in an Investment Vehicle and "self-insure
  3. My Family said they will take of me
  4. Medicare and Medicaid will pay for my Long Term Care
  5. Long Term Care Insurance is too expensive

Sunday, April 5, 2009

body lotion - Breast Cancer Treatment Options

Following my lastest post , about conventional breast cancer treatment, we knows that we have a lot of Breast Cancer Treatment Options. As patience we don't want to get awful plastic surgery, so do we have to know many option for Breast Cancer Treatment such as chemotherapy breast cancer treatment. Through constant research we have come a long way from the limited treatment options available in the past. The top treatment choices available today are surgery, radiation, hormonal treatment (anti-estrogen based) and chemotherapy. These 4 regimins are often used in conjunction with each other or adjuvantly.

We all know we want what is best for us but sometimes with the many Breast Cancer Treatment options available..

There are 3 General Types of Breast Cancer Treatment Options Categories Available Today:

Local Treatment (Regional Treatment) - this type of treatment is localized to the
breast and local lymphatics only or adjacent lymphatics to where the tumor was

Systemic Treatments - treat the whole body and are usually reserved for the
prevention of spread (metastases) or directy to target spread that has occured.

Alternative Therapy - these are considered holistic therapy and can be helpful but
have never been proven to cure.

please write down, if any one know more Breast Cancer Treatment ....