The health insurance industry ( health insurance agency ) is working on a health insurance plans for transformation that could come right out of "Extreme Makeover."
Nowadays in a basic health insurance
term life insurance
, insurers now are representing themselves as indispensable partners in health care overhaul.In their pitch to lawmakers,
the companies or health insurance agency say they are in a unique position to help improve quality and root out waste, saving money so everyone can be cover commercial health insurance.
"They are making inroads," said John Rother, public policy director for AARP. "They are already getting past the rhetoric and starting to talk more concrete ideas for
improving quality and getting value of cost of health insurance." Could be on
e health insurance I thought.
Today, In a big best health insurance change from three or four years ago, insurers are writing bigger campaign checks to Democrats, now the party of power in Washington.
The insurance industry gave $10.7 million to Democratic candidates for federal office in the 2006 elections, according to Last year, it was $20.7 million.
The health care insurance stakes are high.
If the health care insurance industry's pitch succeeds, insurers will be guaranteed many more health insurance customers. The industry wants all people in the United States to be required to carry medical coverage, with government providing financial help for those who cannot afford it.
However, if the overhaul that President Barack Obama has promised goes against them, insurers could find themselves trying to compete against
a new government-run health insurance plan offering cut-rate premiums to middle-class families.
That's exactly what many liberal Democrats want, and Obama hasn't taken the option off the table.