Sunday, November 30, 2008

body lotion - A Brief History of Cosmetic plastic surgery, and bad plastic surgery

The word "Cosmetic plastic surgery" with the time to mean "artificial" people in our society today, but that's not the case for actors plastic surgery, owes its name. The "plastic" in plastic surgery derives from "plastikos," a Greek word meaning "to mold or shape."

Although we often think of Cosmetic plastic surgery, when someone mentioned, Plastic Surgery, plastic surgeons have a long history of the physical reconstruction. Skin grafts, which is a form of Cosmetic plastic surgery, were already in India 800 BC By the fourth century of our era, the surgeons of Byzantium was related to the relatively sophisticated methods of the fine suture to prevent scarring.

Reconstruction important part of Cosmetic plastic surgery in the world of the 18th Century, when an American surgeon repaired an impasse palace, and in the 19th Century, the development of anesthesia for the surgery contributed to Cosmetic plastic surgery more acceptable when people realize that they can no longer be awakened at the level of pain felt.Celebrity plastic surgery in general has become customary for antibiotics and an understanding of the importance of modern sanitary measures carried out for all types of surgery less dangerous.

The First World War, the maimed thousands of soldiers, the melting pot in which numerous specialists in plastic surgery were. Doctors developed methods to the ears, nose, jaws and eyes and the evaluation of across national borders after the war.

The new techniques and materials are constantly being developed, plastic surgery, the repair can be a series of physical deformities, and many, the aesthetic surgery procedures simpler, more convenient and cheaper than ever before.