Thursday, November 6, 2008

body lotion - Cosmetic plastic surgery Alternatives

When people asked what it upon himself that they want to change, they give many different answers. Some people want it thinner, other people dream, a small part of the face. Indeed, it is the face that most people on stress, because, yes, this is the first thing that people are.

So people who are not satisfied with the way they want to decide receive Plastic, Aesthetic and Cosmetic plastic surgery. Those who have the skin around the easing towards the elevators, people with the big nose rhinoplasty received ... and the list goes on. The popular culture has the impression that cosmetic surgery is almost the only way to make a real attractive. Well, this is not true, because there are ways to draw attention to certain characteristics, so to save money.

For example, something that many people want the Cosmetic plastic surgery is a smaller nose. While some people (ahem, Ashlee Simpson) really a lot of other people (ahem, Morgan Fairchild) looking ridiculous. They do not want to fall into this category, and you do not have the money for Cosmetic plastic surgery in every case.

So, what can you do? The answer is only twenty U.S. dollars, the difference to your business - Enter the make-up. Well, this opinion is just for the ladies, but if you happen to a man who skillfully with the foundation, then a lot of fun! But seriously, what you can do is add, eyeshadow, mascara, eye liners and easily. The key is to focus the attention of the nose, and in other areas of the face.