Sunday, February 22, 2009

body lotion - Scientist Aims To Improve chemotherapy breast cancer treatment

News from Scientist Aims To Improve chemotherapy breast cancer treatment ,Scientist from A University of Wolverhampton has received a grant worth £15,000 from leading research charity Breast Cancer Campaign to aim improvement to chemotherapy breast cancer treatment. Did you know around of 40 percent of breast cancer stages are resistant to chemotherapy breast cancer treatment and several patients will see breast cancer detection return.

Weiguang Wang, the doctor from that university aims to improve chemotherapy breast cancer treatment , the outcome chemotherapy treatment for these patients by studying whether resistance can be prevented as soon as possible. Weiguang Wang, believes NF-kB, a some molecule that can be responsible for stopping chemotherapy side effects from chemotherapy breast cancer treatment. The doctor, will investigate breast cancer research whether treating breast cancer cells with disulfiram, a drug used in the treatment of alcoholism and which specifically targets NF-kB, will make cells more sensitive to chemotherapy breast cancer treatment.


To make sure ,and To Improve chemotherapy breast cancer treatment The grant forms part of £2.3 million awarded to 20 projects around the UK and will fill one of the research gaps identified by the country's to the top breast cancer experts in a recent study.