Wednesday, May 13, 2009

body lotion - How to Reduce Stress using Simple Breathing Exercises

Unfortunately we cannot change the amount of stressful situations there are in this world but we can certainly learn to respond to them differently.the most important things to know is that stress is stored in the body and is enhanced when the mind has endless chatter.

There is a great tip for allowing the mental commentary to subside is to do some simple breathing exercises. When you focus on your body and the breath that moves through the body

Just give it a try;

  1. Lie on the floor, a bed, a fit ball, or even better, the grass. Place your arms in a comfortable position. Feel your breath enter your body beyond the lungs.
  2. If you are outside, see if you can feel the wind blowing on your skin or the warmth of the sun. This is called body connection.

Finally, Start your day with this simple exercise and you will see that reducing stress