Every woman or man looking forbest diet, then looking for some supplement or gym to stay looking hansom, good or beautiful girls for every woman. Model looking for some ways to get stay slim any try to find simplest way and cheapest way to stay slim. So the beauty tips for today is Slow down when you eat.
Mostly people ignored about keep it slow when they ate. Now should be not again, because based on research from University of Rhode Island, 30 woman had been tested and the result is more fast you are when ate, more hungry you are.
2705 Kj in 9 minutes on fast eating and 2324 Kj in 29 minutes on slow eating
Ketika makan dengan cepat, tubuh mengkonsumsi 2705kJ dalam sembilan menit, dibandingkan dengan 2324 kJ dalam 29 menit jika mereka makan lebih lambat.
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