I don't sure for it , did she get slim and sexy because of green tea weight loss and get instant weight loss also natural weight loss in the same time.
Just for addition I have green tea weight loss 3 Important Facts To Avoid Being Ripped Off!
Green Tea Weight Loss Fact 1
Scientifically Proven?
"Drinking tea for a long time makes one thin," says ancient Chinese medicinal classic Bencao Shiyi. Fast forward 1,300 years, and that is exactly what scientists have found today.
For those of you who are skeptical, I highly recommend you read Swen Wolfram's excellent review paper Anti-obesity effects of green tea.
Green Tea Weight Loss Fact 2:
Why Do Most Diets Fail?
What is wrong with conventional dieting?
When you go on a diet and starve, your body's survival instinct is triggered and you automatically go on "energy saving" mode. This reduces your metabolism and makes you burn fewer calories.
In addition, your body begins to feed on itself. Although some fat may be used as energy, the most readily available source is proteinGreen Tea Weight Loss Fact 3:
Exercise Longer
Doing exercise can help you lose weight in three different ways:
Burns calories. Your burn extra calories when you engage in physical activities.
Boosts metabolism. Your energy level stays high for a period of time after you finish exercising.
Increases muscle mass. When you exercise, you develop lean muscle mass. Your metabolism rate is determined largely by how much muscle you carry. So having more muscle makes it easier for you to keep slim.
Getting into an exercise routine is hard work. The good news is that drinking green tea can increase your endurance level by up to 24%.
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